2021 05-03 SB Channel
Captain Colton the crew of the Condor Express conducted a single 2½ hour excursion that left the dock at 12n. Skies were sunny with little wind and swell. Sightings for the trip included 6 humpback whales and 300 California sea lions. All of the action took place about 6 miles due south of the harbor.
A single shy juvenile humpback led us to a mother-calf pair. The shy juvie had long down times and swam in random half-mile bursts while underwater. The pair was far more cooperative. A bit later we watched a pair of large adults followed by a solo juvie. The young ‘un came up close to the bow a few times for photo ops.
Bait balls were still around but we did not witness and surface lunge-feeding on this trip. The sea lions were not so nonchalant.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com