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Northbound gray whales and common dolphins.

Northbound gray whales and common dolphins.

Two trips were run today, 12 noon and 3 pm.  Things started out foggy, but quickly dissipated and conditions improved.  We visited with 2 northbound gray whales today, one was up near UCSB and the other was farther offshore and east of Santa Barbara Harbor.  Great looks and a few very nice tail flukes were seen from both whales.  Later in the day there was a large pod of long beaked common dolphins, perhaps 800 animals in total.  In addition to giving great looks and playing with the Condor Express, the pod twice kicked their speed into overdrive and sped out ahead of the boat leaving the ocean surface in a big roiled mess of foam.  Nobody knows what flips the switch from slowly playing with the boat to full throttle jet speed, but is is magnificent to observe.

Our next trip is 12 noon tomorrow.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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