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Now our rescued humpback whale “Lucky” also becomes a double entendre !


Now our rescued humpback whale “Lucky” also becomes a double entendre !

Regular readers will recall that yesterday the young adult whale “Top Notch” gave a top notch performance, well today the rescued humpback whale “Lucky” also became a double entendre !  We were on our side, in the north Santa Barbara Channel, and had the good fortune of watching 4 humpback whales with at least one more in the area.  Top Notch was there, and so was Lucky.  Today it was Lucky’s turn and it breached several times and spent the rest of about 45 minutes entertaining the humans with fantastic upside down pectoral fin slapping. We were exceptionally lucky to be there…hence the double entendre. [SIDE NOTE:  A highly educated regular reader of this blog was on the boat yesterday and questioned me about what I mean when I write “north Channel.”  When I write “north” I am strictly referring to the magnetic compass pointing plus or minus zero degrees. That’s near the mainland coast, and the islands are in the south Channel.  Hope that helps!]

Today was a fantastic glassy smooth calm day and the sun came out of the low stratus just as we left the harbor at 10 am.  The ocean water is very clear once you get a few miles out, and all the weather and ocean conditions were spectacular.  I already mentioned the humpback whales, but there were quite a few Minke whales in the same area again today, with one or two coming very close to the boat.  Very special.  Long beaked common dolphins were everywhere too, and 2,500 is a rough estimate with no science behind the number.   California sea lions entertained everyone and, along with the dolphins, seemed to pester the humpback whales a few times.

I’m behind on processing my photographs, and will get yesterday and today up as soon as I can. You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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