Image: A humpback does some kelping today.
2024 07-20 SB Channel
Although things started out glassy, the breeze gradually picked up until we had whitecaps forming after 12 noon. Skies were overcast with dense ground-level fog. In the afternoon a few sun spot/sucker holes developed. Closely watched life today included: 4 humpback whales, 1000 common dolphins, 2 Minke whales, and 1 ocean sunfish (Mola mola).
We watched quite a few small pods of dolphins, with and without whales. There were no megapods in our neck of the Channel. Near the start of the adventure we stopped to watch a small pod of 200 dolphins. Nearby we had a very large ocean sunfish hang on the surface so all of its fans could bask in its glory.
A medium-large Minke whale zig zagged the surface waters just south of the Carpinteria oil rigs. We had great looks and a couple of friendly (sort of) passes. Later we’d see another a bit farther from the boat.
All 4 whales were spread out across the western edge of The Flats and didn’t appear to show any interest in one another. All appeared to be in travel mode, and kicked-up their tail flukes on every sounding. The second whale we saw made a single close pass by the boat. The last whale was accompanied by a large number of pesky sea lions.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and