Image: A humpback whale breach.
2024 11-10 SB Channel
Captain Eddy and the crew ran south as far as The Lanes across mirror glassy water. Skies were sunny and bright. Totals for the day: 7 humpback whales and 400 common dolphins.
On our way out, just before The Kelp Farm, we watched a very small pod of 15 dolphins for a short time, then continued on our way. Southwest of The Farm we watched our first humpback whales: a pair of sub-adults. The became friendly and spent a short time very close to us. They also enjoyed the bubble bath of our jet wash. A single whale was nearby and we observed it kelping for 15 minutes.
Moving west, two more sub-adult whales were encountered. They made a few close passes before one of them breached 5 times close by. (See today’s photo for an example).
To the south we saw a larger herd of dolphins, perhaps 400, then watched another pair of whales.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry