2022 10-19 SB Channel
Skies were sunny and bright all day with mill pond glassy seas. Sightings were excellent: 5000 long-beaked common dolphins, 400 California sea lions and 13+ humpback whales.
Dolphins were around us all day starting about 4 miles southeast of the harbor. They were especially abundant along the hot spots we visited south of The Lanes. At one point we watched a small sub-pod break free and go on a high-speed stampede-run. The bow, side waves and stern wake was rarely free of surfing dolphins. Most of the pods and mega pods we watched on the hot spots were mixed with mobs of sea lions.
Nearby, about 5 miles further to the southeast, we located three individual whales that came together as a trio before moving off as a pair and a single whale. In the distance, one whale breached several times.
One of the most active areas was within the separation zone and off middle Santa Cruz. Here we observed 2, then 2 more, then two single humpbacks. One engaged in a prolonged and relaxing session in the kelp. Another rolled and issued several loud trumpet blows.
Finally, 4 additional whales were seen on the way home, and multiple spouts seen in the distance.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and