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Spectacular Day full of Whales and Dolphins !!

Condor Express Friends,

An oily glass surface with no wind all day.  Great moderate temperatures and great blue, clear water was also present.  The Condor Express headed southeast, and not far past Platform Habitat (our farthest rig out to the SW) the sharp eyes of Captain Mat located a big feeding frenzy “hot spot.”  Common Dolphins and California Sea Lions were working the bait from below, while the Brown Pelicans, Brandt's Cormorants, and various gulls attacked from above.  We had been following a cow-calf pair of Humpback Whales plus a third solitary whale when the “switch turned on” and the frenzy began.  The Humpbacks made a direct line to the bait ball and within a few minutes had consumed most of it, and scattered the rest.  At one point, the dolphins chased the bait ball up close to the Condor Express hull, affording all passengers a great view of the action.

Here's the final scorecard:

6 Humpback Whales

1 Minke Whale

2500 Common Dolphins

500 California Sea Lions

The Condor Express is currently running “Island, Dolphin and Wildlife” trips Wed – Sunday. You might want to advise your colleagues and clients to get on board now while the great Fall weather and sightings continue. The boat will be performing its every-two-years hauling out and maintenance during the month of November…starting Oct 31st, actually.  So the next couple of weeks may be your last chance until December. Great Fall sea conditons out in the Channel…calm ocean, wide open panoramas and sparkling sunshine.  Call 888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to book your trip.

..or to view images from today and previous trips: Like us on Facebook,

In addition to the expert crew on the Condor Express with over 35 years of experience, Channel Islands Naturalist Corps volunteer naturalists, representatives from the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and National Park, are usually on board and available to answer your questions during the trip.

Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day!

Bob Perry Condor Express

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