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Sunfish and lots of cetaceans


Thursday, September 15, 2016 – Another day with Fall classic weather and sea conditions:  sunny all day with a flat, calm ocean.  Sightings today included 7 humpback whales, 2,000 long-beaked common dolphins and 2 ocean sunfish (Mola mola).  Captain Dave and his crew set out on a southerly course and found so much friendly marine life they never went past The Lanes.

The action began about 6 miles off Goleta Beach.  Here the Condor Express encountered numerous dolphin groups each with 100 or more individuals.  Their friendliness towards their fans on the boat is always something special and reminds me of that old “Who is watching who?” saying.  A total of 4 humpback whales also popped up in this area.  First there was a pair then a single joined in and finally a 4th whale.  All  had short down times and were very showy about fluking-up.  As we drifted amongst the mammals, two nice ocean sunfish (Mola mola) were observed in the clear, cobalt Santa Barbara water.

Moving south and closer to The Lanes even more dolphins came over and watched us, and 2 more whales too.  One of the whales was one see regularly and is nicknamed “Speckles.”  It is a small juvenile whale with white specks all over its skin.  Today Speckles did a bit of kelping near the boat which is always spectacular to watch.  There were more spouts in the distance.

On the ride home a 7th whale was encountered and everyone had great looks.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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