Image: A high-speed pod of long-beaked common dolphins.
2023 05-02 SB Coast
Dark clouds with gentle rain and calm seas greeted the 9a passengers, but the rain increased for a while at 12n…and so did the wind. In the rain, visibility was reduced yet somehow the crew put together some great sightings: 4 humpback whales, 4000 long-beaked common dolphins and 2 Minke whales.
On the morning run, Captain Dave headed to a pot west of Platform Charlie where a megapod of 2000 dolphins located the Condor Express. We watched them for a while as they came to the boat and rode our bow, side and stern waves. Later we moved further south to find humpback whales near Platform Habitat. Our whales consisted of a mother-calf pair plus one adult. All had relatively long dive times.
Noon, in the rain, found us just inside the Summerland oil rig line where a single humpback whale was found. Soon the whale was surrounded by another megapod (another 2000 or so) of common dolphins. This pod was more spread-out than the morning herd. On the way home skies became blue and our course heading intersected that of 2 Minke whales…always fun to see!
You never know what mother nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and