The first marine beast was encountered near The Cave. It was a humpback whale that, upon seeing the boat, made a bee-line over and swam all around. It passed beneath the bow and on one dive, turned its head and spouted so the whale fans on the bow got shellacked by spray. There may be a monster sense of humor in that huge skull.
A bit later in the trip, our own “Ojos de águila” and deck hand, Auggie, put his binoculars on two blue whales, one of which exhibited that characteristic “racing” behavior. Both whales were on short down times of only 4 minutes. Not far east of this pair Auggie found a third blue whale too.
On the way home Eric encountered a mega-pod of short-beaked common dolphins that ran amok and drove their fans on the Condor Express wild. They were exceptionally animated today.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express