Image: ever-watchful California sea lions hoping for some by-catch of humpback feeding activities
2023 10-12 SB Channel
There were gale force winds with rough seas yesterday, continuing into the night, and so, despite the gentle breeze in our area today, seas in the morning carried a residual bump. Skies were sunny and the air was warm and gentle. Sightings continue to be phenomenal: 16+ humpback whales, 3500 long-beaked common dolphins and 200 California sea lions.
Large groups of dolphins started locating the Condor Express just south of The Kelp Farm, and continued south into the whale grounds. All whale sightings included a hefty dolphin presence. Seabirds and sea lions were also out on the grounds, but no surface action or birdnados were witnessed today.
Seven miles south of the harbor our 2nd Captain, Kelly, spotted a humpback whale that soon turned into a major sighting of at least 7. Most of the whales we watched were adults, some larger than others. During our first whale stop one of the smaller adults did some tail-throws.
Captain Dave and the crew kept moving southeast and soon found a group of 3 whales, then two additional singles. On the way home, 4 more were watched.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store,
Bob Perry Condor Express, and