Two Gray Whales and Tons of Life
Great, warm, sunny weather with clear skies and clear water prevailed in the Santa Barbara Channel today. The Condor Express ran one trip, the 3pm adventure. We motored east to the prime anchovy bait balls, and again the area was full of zillions of these little silvery fish being attacked by seabirds, sea lions and at least 1,000 voracious common dolphins. Everyone got great looks at the amazing underwater clarity with the drama between predators and prey unfolding close to the boat. We kept a sharp eye out for any humpback whales which might have been attracted to all this activity, but alas…none were seen today. However, on the trip back home to Santa Barbara Harbor we had the good fortune to watch 2 northbound gray whales. These two were on the smaller side, perhaps juveniles, and were very regular in their surface vs. down times. The two grays made a wonderful ending to a fabulous trip on the Channel.
We’re running a 12 noon trip tomorrow. You never know what Mother Nature has in store. best regards,
Bob Perry Condor Express