Image: friendly humpback whale and a fan
2023 04-05 SB Coast
Skies were sunny, seas were calm and there was no wind. We ran two trips: 9a and 12n. Sightings included: 2 humpback whales.
On the morning trip Captain Dave led a tour around Platform Holly then moved east. About 4 miles off the coast, we encountered our first small humpback whale. It was a friendly whale and made several close approaches to the delight of its fans.
On the noon excursion the very close coastal waters were somewhat Spartan, although a trio of high-speed Dall’s porpoise passed us. Unfortunately, the trio disappeared and the porpoise were not included in the count as it would have been pure luck to have seen them. Much further offshore, near the NOAA East Channel Buoy, a second juvenile humpback whale was watched. This one was busy feeding on the surface where it was periodically lunge-feeding on its side. There were numerous hot spots of northern anchovies around the area with lots of seabirds taking full advantage.
You never know what mother nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and