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Was there 6 BLUE WHALES? Another fog story.

Writer's picture:  Bob Perry Bob Perry

Image: Multiple blue whale spouts as fog lifts a bit in the Santa Barbara Channel.


2024 08-09 SB Channel 


Fog was the story once again, with zero visibility out on the whale grounds. Closer to shore, the fog had lifted slightly to become a dense, low stratus layer. Sightings in the fog: 6? giant blue whales and 1500 common dolphins. I’ll explain my question mark below.


A small pod of 200 common dolphins located the Condor Express under very gray skies just south of the Kelp Farm (about 4 miles offshore).  Additional smaller groups were seen scattered widely as we proceeded with caution towards beautiful Santa Rosa Island.  Near the NOAA Buoy there was a slightly large pod (500) that was quite active. A lot of high leaps and bow riding took place.


The ceiling dropped to the deck and you could barely see the bow of the boat at times. The crew was on high alert, listening and looking. Footprints were seen next to the boat (how else?), and we idled around the area until a large adult blue whale randomly surfaced right next to the boat. It took one breath on the surface and dove out of sight. Two additional sightings were made on the very edge of our vision, and no one was sure if it was a 2nd and 3rd whale, or a repeat sighting. (Hence the question mark in my totals summary above).


We stayed very late, and when we were finally about to exit the area for home, the fog lifted a bit and at least 3 additional spouts were seen. (See today’s photograph for an example).


You never know what Mother Nature has in store.


Bob Perry

Condor Express,


Condor Express


301 W. Cabrillo Blvd

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


(805) 882-0088

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