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We closely watched 5 friendly, hungry and animated humpback whales amidst abundant dolphin pods.

Image:  A vertical lunge-feed by an adult humpback whale.


2024 09-21 SB Channel


There was a high stratus layer all day. Seas in the northern Channel were flat, glassy with occasional ripples. Closer to the island it was breezy and there were white caps. Water clarity remains exceptional. Our circuit today took us across The Channel to the Painted Cave and back. Sightings included: 2000 common dolphins and 7 humpback whales (2 of them were seen as we drove past them on the way home, without stopping).


About one hundred dolphins were observed near The Kelp Farm, and as we proceeded south, larger pods were more common. Dolphins and birds helped us find most of our whales today, starting with a single whale that was in travel mode about 8 miles past The Farm.


This singleton became very active later, as we found dolphins and a birdnadito, and it did a vertical lunge-feed so close everyone on board was thrilled. (See today’s photograph for an example). A small bait ball seen further south became it’s second target. This time the lunge was more sideways but equally effective.


Not far to the east we watched two additional individual whales that were feeding just beneath the surface…hence no tail flukes or other behaviors were seen. Close to The Cave, a pair of friendly whales came by the Condor Express twice. The swam alongside without stopping, and swam under the bow.


Captain Dave conducted one of his legendary tours along the northern sea cliffs of beautiful Santa Cruz Island which reached its crescendo inside the world-famous Cave.


On the way home we passed by 2 more whales but did not have time to stop and play.


You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry

Condor Express

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