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Whale and Dolpin report for Sunday, October 3

Nature Lovers, It was dead calm  on the Channel again today but unfortunately, it was quite foggy.  Nonetheless, the eaglelike eyes of our Captain and crew penetrated the fog and put the Condor Express on the following wildlife:

1 Minke Whale 1000 Common Dolphins (in two large groups and several smaller feeding pods) 50 California Sea Lions 15 Bottlenose Dolphins The whales previously reported by the news media in the LA area have left and appear to be moving back into our Channel.You never know on a day to day basis what mother nature has in store.  But it is always an amazing day full of sea creatures and adventures on the high seas when the Condor Express leaves the dock every day at 10am regularly.  SPECIAL NOTE:  Our Saturday, October 9th trip will leave the dock early for a special 8am to 1230pm morning trip.  Make reservations and plan to arrive around 730. Sign up now and tell your friends.  There should be plenty of spots available for tomorrow, but the only way to guarantee you'll have a ticket to board is to make a reservation if you have time, SO call 1-888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to get your name on the list. Photographs from most holidays and weekends are available online at Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day ! Bob Perry Condor Express

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